physio sessions
Having spent the last 12 years working in a private practice musculoskeletal setting and co-owning my own clinic for 7 of those years, I can truly say that physiotherapy has been a career of passion for me.
With two young children at home with me, I now offer LIMITED physio sessions to provide myself with the flexibility to still be able to do what I love and raise my family.
diagnosis & treatment plans
assessments and second opinions on diagnosis’ as well as treatment plans for recovery
manual therapy
manual therapy treatment for musculo-skeletal issues.
massage & dry needling
massage, maintenance and dry needling sessions, as well as cupping and taping.
1:1 Reformer pilates
specialised sessions to work on your rehabilitation or strength goals
Rehab & exercise Programs
customised rehab and exercise programs for you and your goals
THErapeutic ultrasound
ultrasound treatment for blocked breast ducts for breastfeeding women
cost of sessions
All sessions are health fund rebatable if you have private health care cover. If you are unsure what type of treatment you require, we can discuss and decide on the day what will suit you best.
Please see the “Service Swap” tab if you would prefer to open communication about swapping services instead.
Initial sessions/
Majority of my initial sessions include a thorough chat and assessment, diagnosis and treatment plan. Please select a 60min session if you’d like me to assess and address more than one area.
30min session — $96
60min session — $180
Exercise Program — $96 (or less based on time taken for me to complete)
follow ups
After the initial session where we come up with a treatment plan, follow up sessions will often get straight into treatment to try and make the most of the time available to us.
30min session— $96
60min session — $180